Tuesday, March 11, 2014

This Week's Comics

Every week with a new issue of Batman is a good week, and this week is going to be one of the best as the second chapter of Zero Year comes to a close with another oversized issue all drawn by Greg Capullo. Also there's JLA and Deadpool, reaching its 25th issue after only a year and three months.

Preview will now be at the bottom of the post.

Batman #29

Dark City ends with this oversized finale, and paves the way to Zero Year's last arc, Savage City, which all begins next month. This arc is crazy and the villains are even crazier. Riddler's blacked out Gotham and now Batman has got to save the day. Also with a Robot Chicken variant:

Next up...

Justice League of America #13

I'm sure I've said it before, but this book hasn't been doing anything for me for a few months. The only reason I'm getting this issue really is because there's only two left and it would be stupid to stop getting them. I really liked the book for about eight issues, but then something just came and changed it. Probably Forever Evil, I guess... Also, this has a Robot Chicken variant:

And last, but not least...

Deadpool 25.NOW

This is it, the finale to Deadpool vs. SHIELD, and of course that means next issue is another flashback, I assume. This arc's been just a lot of crazy things, but still has that Deadpool quality to it. Nothing spectacular, but a lot of fun. Check out the recap page:

Here's previews for this week's books:

Batman #29: CBR
Justice League of America #13: CBR
Deadpool #25.NOW: CBR

- It's Clear

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