Saturday, February 8, 2014

Olympics are Underway

To say the very least, Sochi's opening ceremony was full of flash as those projections made for a pretty cool show. Technical difficulties aside, there was some Beijing-scale level stuff, and it was pretty fun. On to the games themselves, though.

First off, at the time I'm writing this, Sage Kotsenburg just won not only the first US Gold of the 2014 Olympics, but the first Gold, period. And the first ever Gold medal in Olympic Slopestyle, which is a brand new event to these games. That's really awesome.

Earlier today, I caught some of men and women skiing events, with some races that took a long time. It's no wonder that these people just collapse into the snow when they're done. Also, there was a downhill event that was pretty cool, too. There's just so much going on at the Olympics, that not all of the events get into the primetime slot. They're worth checking out, though. Winter Olympics only come on every four years, so it's best to try and watch as much as possible. NBC also does daytime coverage at 2:30, every day. Also, there was some speed skating, 5000M races, as well as ski jumping, which I caught a little of before I went to dinner.

I won't get to catch the daytime stuff tomorrow, as I'll be taking a trip to the San Andreas Fault, but I'll be sure and catch up on standings and events I may have missed, as well as watch the primetime coverage. It's a really awful time to be having midterms and oral presentations. 

The opening ceremonies were very long, and went over a large part of Russia's rich history. It was a spectacle for sure, with my favorite part being the light show that was coupled with Daft Punk's Tron Legacy soundtrack. It's also always nice to see all of the people come in and represent their countries. Even with only one athlete, they all seem pretty happy to be there.

Two people I'm looking forward to watching are Shaun White and Shani Davis. I'm really hoping they both get Gold in their events. Olympics are crazy times.

Good news on my end: Most of my hard studying will be done around Tuesday, so Olympic stuff and regular posts will also have some coverage of Lightning Returns. I hope to cover it quite a bit, but may not get around to a full introductory post until the weekend. Whatever I talk about, though, it'll start on Tuesday. It's an exciting time for me writing this blog because coverage of brand new things is what I really wanted to get into!

So that's all from me for today!

- It's Clear

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