Friday, January 31, 2014

February Preview

With January coming to an end today, it's time to look forward into the next month of blogging. A huge game coverage is coming up, as well as new comics and maybe some more show reviews. Read on for a small look at February.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Racing Games are Fun

Despite frequent frustrations, I always find myself playing racing games over and over again. Not only are they some of the most visually impressive games there are, but a lot of times, there's just so much content. Read on for a few thoughts on the genre.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Green Arrow: TV and Comics

Green Arrow has certainly been in a lot of awesome things lately. The new writing and artist pair for the comic took it from being among the worst, apparently, to one of the best DC has. Not only that, but the TV series has been continually awesome. Read on for some thoughts.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Introduction to Final Fantasy XIII

This post will serve as a sort of prelude to my coverage of the game, which starts on February 11th. The world of Final Fantasy XIII comes to a close this year, but the games in it have all been pretty cool. Fans will have their complaints, but that doesn't stop these games from being fun.

Monday, January 27, 2014

New Comics and Daft Punk

This week features three new comics I'm looking forward to from DC. In addition, I'd like to discuss Daft Punk and their recent wins at the Grammys yesterday. Needless to say, both aspects of this post are awesome and fun.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Introduction to inFAMOUS

The next huge game for the PS4 is right around the corner, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't play previous incarnations of the inFAMOUS series. After an okay first game, and a really awesome second game, the hyped-up third game will be released soon. Read on for thoughts.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Some Thoughts on Space Dandy

Now that four episodes of the brand new anime, Space Dandy, have aired in the US, I'd figure it's time to give some early impressions for the show. I'll do this frequently for things I'm watching, starting with this. So far, it's been actually really awesome. Read on for more thoughts.

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Anime of SHAFT

If there's one anime studio that has come out with some of my favorite shows over the years, it's SHAFT. Here's a few examples of incredible shows that are pretty weird, but ultimately some of the best anime ever made. These shows are very popular and definitely not for everyone, but maybe you'll give them a shot!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

You Should See Clone Wars

Don't be so quick to judge a CGI-animated Star Wars series. While the movie prequel was nothing to brag about, the show hit some masterful points throughout its five seasons, including a controversial return of Darth Maul. Let me try to explain why Clone Wars is so good.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Harsh College Times

It's week three of my second year of the quarter, and I've already got a midterm. Seems pretty weird, but I guess these science GE's I'm taking have weirdly-placed midterms. Today, allow me to briefly go over some stuff I've been doing in the real world.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Showcase of Some Comic Artists

Yesterday, I found myself giving a lot of praise to Greg Capullo's artwork. Here's a few artists and some of the more recent stuff they've done, as well as Capullo. I've chosen three I really enjoy right now, and I'll frequently do posts like this about artwork! Check 'em out.

Monday, January 20, 2014

This Week's New Comics

Holy Batman week, Batman! This week, DC is releasing Batman #27. Batman by Scott Snyder is in its Zero Year arc, and these are some of the best Batman stories ever told. Check in here for a preview and more.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

KILL la KILL and Epic Anime

Last year, KILL la KILL, a new anime from Trigger, premiered. The show recently began the second half, and it's a show that started out turned up to eleven. Here's a post about it and some other awesome, crazy anime shows that can appeal to anyone.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

My Top 10 Games of 2013 Part 2

Continuing from yesterday, here's the best games I've played this year. Also, I'll write down the other games I played that aren't in this list. It was a good year for games, but one game in particular really took it to the next level for me. Read on to find out.

Friday, January 17, 2014

My Top 10 Games of 2013 Part 1

It was a huge year for game last year. Not just because new consoles got released, but because everyone brought out their best stuff yet. I've played a total of 23 games released in 2013, so here's #10-6.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Diverse Musical Taste

One of the cool things about college is the exposure you get to things you may have never thought you'd like, or that you had simply never heard of. In the time I've been in college so far, my music taste has developed and broadened. Read on for some thoughts.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Finished DmC and Suburgatory Returns

Just a quick post today as a follow-up to some stuff I've recently posted. Tonight, I've finished a game and a show I love has returned for it's third season premiere. Read on for a few quick thoughts on each of them.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Captain Phillips is Full of Tension

Every now and then, UCLA's campus events commission puts on a free movie night, whether it's for a early screening of an upcoming movie, or a really good, really recent movie. Last time, it was an early screening of Saving Mr. Banks. This time, Tom Hanks, once more in Captain Phillips. Read on for some thoughts.

Monday, January 13, 2014

This Week's Comics and Things to Come

It's the beginning of the week, which means it's time to take a look at interesting comic books coming out. Plus, a look ahead at some of the biggest games coming out through March, and what I'll do a little coverage on as they release.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

5 Modern Reasons Why Batman is Awesome

After a long and tiring day, it's good to head back and consider some reasons why Batman is completely awesome. Hopefully this list will broaden your horizons to new things to try, related to Batman.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Suburgatory is a Guilty Pleasure

After I saw Evil Dead, I recognized the main character was played by the chick from this show I wanted to watch from the very beginning, called Suburgatory. It seemed like a guilty pleasure-ish enough comedy. Let me briefly give some thoughts.

Friday, January 10, 2014

My Top 14 Movies of 2013 Part 2

Now for the conclusion of my favorite movies from last year. I'll also put the movies I saw that didn't quite make the list, but are still great. Well, most of them are great. Read on for #7-1, my favorite movie of the year.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

My Top 14 Movies of 2013 Part 1

I have seen a grand total of 26 movies released theatrically in 2013. That means this is the hardest top 10 list I've ever done. So hard, in fact, that I'm making it a top 14 instead. That means there's still 12 movies that won't be on this list. Crazy. Read on for #14-8.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

DmC and Hack and Slash

I'm a year late to DmC: Devil May Cry, but it's free for PlayStation Plus and there's no time like the present for hacking and slashing through a bunch of crazy monsters. Read on for some thoughts on this and some other action games.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Following, More Shows, and Classes

Maybe one day there will be a "reality" post that doesn't have "entertainment" thrown in. But for today, to mark the release of The Following Season One on Blu-ray and DVD, and for the upcoming second season, here's a post on that as well.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Interesting Comic Books for the Week

Huge week, considering that this is Detective Comics #27, a huge anniversary issue celebrating the original Detective Comics #27, the first ever appearance of Batman. Go on for some previews and thoughts.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Agents of SHIELD is Crazy

Agents of SHIELD is the first TV series tie-in to the Marvel cinematic universe, and it's really cool. It's got a lot going for it, like its cast, as well as the expansion to the overall universe. Read on for some thoughts.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Hunter x Hunter is Incredible

This isn't your ordinary, run-of-the-mill anime. These aren't regular, everyday characters. And things get pretty real, pretty fast. Hunter x Hunter is one of the greatest things I've ever watched, and maybe you'd enjoy it too. Read on for more.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Space Dandy and Going Back to School

Tomorrow night is the big night, the US premiere of Space Dandy. I'm also returning to UCLA tomorrow for my second quarter. More about each after the jump.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Here's What I'm up to in Games

Every now and then, I'd just like to write about what I'm playing. See I've been on vacation for three weeks now, and I picked up the PS4 at launch, so I've been using this time to really get into Killzone: Shadow Fall. But that's not all I've been playing lately. There's a lot more.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

American Hustle was a Good Movie

What better way to start the new year out, than with a critically acclaimed movie, filled with A-list actors, that will probably win a lot of awards at the Golden Globes and the Oscars? My thoughts after the jump.

About this Blog

First of all, as of January 1st, 2014, it exists.

This is an idea I've had for a long time, and I decided that today would be a good day to start it up, right at the beginning of the year. Clearly the World is about pretty much everything, or... it can be. I want it to be something that changes and gains a lot of new categories and topics.

Here's one thing I hope to do with this blog. I want to introduce people to a variety of things, both in the real world, and in the fictional worlds of movies, games, etc. What I hope is that when people read this, they do so with an open mind. I want this to be a place for personal experiences, as well as things I'd like to share and hopefully get someone interested in. 

I plan to focus on new things, primarily. I will also post retrospectives on older things.

What I aim to do, is post on this blog at least once a day with some sort of news, review, preview, or showcase of something. Or maybe I'll share some thoughts on something. Anything.

So here's a little about me. I am a student of University of California, Los Angeles, aiming to be a Film and Television Major and one day, hopefully a movie director. Obviously, movies are a huge part of my life. I also frequently play games and write stories. I won't list all of my hobbies and collections, because ultimately, they're all going to end up on this blog. Also, Batman. Guy's pretty cool.

So, with that, I'll get started on this. I am opening the blog with four categories: Reality, where I will discuss things that may be happening in the news, or perhaps my own life. Entertainment, where I will discuss movies and TV shows primarily. Games, where I will discuss new games coming out for PS4, 3DS, and multi-platform. Comics, where I will post preview links to issues I'm going to pick up and reviews or thoughts.

Obviously as the blog moves forward, I'll introduce new categories if they warrant one, but I feel like these four are a good few to get started with.

On that note, I urge you, to please keep an open mind and be willing to delve into new things when you read this blog. Perhaps you'll find yourself enjoying something you never thought you would! Of course, feel free to comment.

- It's Clear