Friday, January 31, 2014

February Preview

With January coming to an end today, it's time to look forward into the next month of blogging. A huge game coverage is coming up, as well as new comics and maybe some more show reviews. Read on for a small look at February.

Let's begin in the gaming department. Lightning Returns will be released on February 11th, as I've stated more than once this month. I will probably do coverage of it every time I play, as in, I will add some thoughts in at the end of every post, or detail my progress. I will also try to get a full post out on it every weekend. But look for hybrid-like posts featuring some progress on the game every day I play it. Posts where I will have coverage will be tagged with "LRFFXIII."

Next up, is movies. Justice League: War releases next Tuesday, and is the first DC animated movie to feature the characters in the New 52 universe. It's a pretty good movie; not as good as the Dark Knight Returns movies, but definitely better than Superman Unbound and pretty good compared to Flashpoint. Basically, it's worth your 75 minutes. I'm seeing I, Frankenstein tomorrow, so expect some thoughts on that. And RoboCop is coming out this month as well. I'm very excited about that.

I have ordered the new Blu-ray release of Darkman, from Sam Raimi. I will be doing a post on that after I watch it. I'm pretty stoked to have this movie. I've never seen it, but I've heard great things, and the set is pretty cool.

I will also frequently talk about things that are going on in my life and school and stuff. And comic previews will continue to be posted on Mondays. February has a few exciting things going for it. Then there's March, which is a whole other story. March will be ridiculous. But I digress... Feburary is here.

- It's Clear

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