Wednesday, January 8, 2014

DmC and Hack and Slash

I'm a year late to DmC: Devil May Cry, but it's free for PlayStation Plus and there's no time like the present for hacking and slashing through a bunch of crazy monsters. Read on for some thoughts on this and some other action games.

The only other game in this series I've played prior to this was Devil May Cry 4, and I remember it being way too hard and I could never finish it. I've played this new DmC game for a couple of hours now and I think I have an okay handle on it. It's a typical hack and slash, but the concept of going into limbo in the game is pretty cool.

You play as a new version of Dante in this game, fighting against demon hordes and trying to save the world. To be honest, the story isn't anything to really talk about. I think DmC has always been about gameplay, and the furious combos go on and on as you constantly switch between a standard weapon, and two angelic/demonic weapons. Plus you've got two guns at your disposal. I have to admit, it's pretty fun chaining attacks together. As is the case with hack and slash.

There's also some platforming elements that kind of remind me of the Arkham series of Batman games. Basically, you use the weapons you've obtained to link yourself to other platforms or to launch yourself across them. Those parts and the combat are fun. The weird walking around parts... not so much, but I can overlook them.

I'd recommend this for PS+ members, though, for sure. It's free this month!

Here's some stuff you might enjoy if you like DmC or the hack and slash genre in general.

Metal Gear Rising.

This is a game that never gets old. It's a different take on hack and slash where Raiden (the guy you play as) has a precision blade that you control yourself. The soundtrack is amazing, the boss fights are some of the best ever, and the combat gameplay is nearly flawless. The game is made to replay over and over. There's a million different ways to approach encounters. I once beat the story on normal in 90 minutes doing a speed run. 

I believe all of the DLC for the game is free right now. I've played the Jetstream DLC, but have yet to try out Bladewolf. I highly recommend MGR. It's one of last year's best game. It's also coming out on PC, like, in the next few days or something.


This is a more obscure game from last year. It's actually been pulled digitally, due to licensing expiration issues between Activision and Marvel. You know, since Disney owns Marvel now. So anyone's best bet for this is to get one of the last new copies, or pick up a used one. Whatever you get it for, it's a good time for about ten or so hours with lots of humor and challenge maps. 

It should be warned, however, that this is a Deadpool story and does get pretty messed up at times. Nolan North is pretty insane as the voice of Deadpool. I'd recommend MGR first, though. Or maybe this first because MGR would be too good... The combat's a little Arkham-ish. It's an okay game.

That's all I've got for today. MGR is definitely my favorite of the three, but with DmC being free this month, and the fact that Deadpool has become physical-only make the other choices cool as well. Hack and slash is mindless fun. It's not as mindless as Dynasty Warriors, but it's more fun to push a bunch of buttons in different orders as opposed to pushing the same button over and over again.

- It's Clear

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