Monday, January 6, 2014

Interesting Comic Books for the Week

Huge week, considering that this is Detective Comics #27, a huge anniversary issue celebrating the original Detective Comics #27, the first ever appearance of Batman. Go on for some previews and thoughts.

This week, I've got my eyes on three comic books. First up is this Detective Comics #27. It's an $8 issue with a hundred pages and a huge amount of creators on board. The main story is a modern day retelling of Batman's origins, and going by the preview, it's kinda like the original story. The original came out back in May, 1939, and the character of Batman was so popular, that it continued and continued until it became what it is today.

It might be $7.90 more than it was 75 years ago, but the New 52 Detective Comics #27 is sure to be a good one. So many good writers and artists are coming together for this anniversary of arguably the best and most popular comic book hero of all time.

Preview here, just click "see what's inside": Comixology

Up next is Batman/Superman #7. I don't have a problem with this book, the writer, or the art, but I haven't really enjoyed this arc. If you're looking for a good story, make sure to grab the first four issues, but Booth's art is as amazing as always. This story has just been all over the place for me for the recent arc, though. Some video game thing, and you have to hold the comic book sideways in a widescreen format. It's been hard to follow.

Preview here: Newsarama

And finally, the newest issue of Deadpool. Deadpool #22 continues this brand new arc that started last issue that's about Deadpool going against SHIELD. All I can say is that this comic is full of fun jokes, crazy violence, and good artwork and writing. If there's any place you should hop on at, it's the previous arc, "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly." It's a dramatic, more serious Deadpool story. The writers also have a few "flashback" issues, which are always hilarious.

Preview here: ComicVine

That's it for comic previews. I'm not sure if I want this issue of Batman/Superman until later, because the Detective #27 is a bit pricy. Maybe I'll hold off on it.

This might be the right time to suggest the actual Batman comic, which is by and far the best comic book out there, and I really would suggest it to anyone, even if you've never read comics before. But that's all I'll say on that... for now!

- It's Clear

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