Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Showcase of Some Comic Artists

Yesterday, I found myself giving a lot of praise to Greg Capullo's artwork. Here's a few artists and some of the more recent stuff they've done, as well as Capullo. I've chosen three I really enjoy right now, and I'll frequently do posts like this about artwork! Check 'em out.

The combo pack for Batman comics always feature a little different version of the regular color. Here's a closer look at this crazy Capullo Batman with a little more color added in. I don't know why DC does little extra things like this for the combo packs (which I never see anyway), but they're cool, and this one is exceptionally colored.

Capullo's chilling cover to Batman #26 was his best cover since last February's Death of the Family finale. It's a striking image of the blacked-out Gotham that's currently happening in Zero Year and it's just awesome seeing Batman stand on top of a skeletal hand looking at it all.

Some of Capullo's best, well, arguably his best, comes in Batman #5. Anyone and everyone should read this issue. It's a masterpiece of writing and artwork and the little details just proves how good of an artist Capullo is. This is definitely one of the best single issues of a comic book.

Another artist I've recently enjoyed is Kenneth Rocafort. Here's his cover to 2012's Superman #0. Rocafort has this style to all of his pictures that just make people look cool, and cartoonish without seeming like it's cartoonish. I actually really like his style.

He was the artist for Red Hood and the Outlwas for a while, but now he's mainly doing work for the regular Superman comic. Apparently, Red Hood hasn't had that great of an artist since Rocafort left the title, but he did do some seriously good work on it. His covers are always pretty exceptional.

Here's his cover to the upcoming Batman/Superman #8. He'll also be drawing the issue. I'm excited, because I don't have any comics drawn by him yet. I don't pick Superman up, but I pick this series up and it's cool that he's doing the art for this one. There'll be a preview pretty soon, so I can't wait to see how it all looks.

One last artist I want to bring up today, is Jae Lee. This guy. His artwork is crazy. There's usually no backgrounds in his art, but it kind of fits the style he draws in. It's a bit jarring at first, I think, but his artwork is, in my opinion, some of the best ever.

His cover for Batman/Superman #3 is just awesome, as the heroes stare into an extremely detailed Darkseid. It should also be noticed that this arc was really crazy, and Lee's art was the highlight of all of it. The way he drew Gotham City made it seem like an even harsher place than we know it as.

Lee also did some Phantom Stranger covers. I for one, like his absolute simplicity, because it really makes his characters stand out. If Capullo is the master of details, and Rocafort has an "animated-nature" to his characters, than Lee is the master of minimalism. His covers and art just work for things. Batman/Superman being one of them. After Rocafort, I believe he's going back on the title, which is a good thing.

So there's three artists whose work I've admired lately. Check back sometime for some more!

- It's Clear

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